Women's Ministry

About Women's Ministry

At Citipointe Women’s Ministry, our goal is to see the women of Northern Colorado be strengthened to rise up to change their world for good & for God. This is women creating a safe and fun place for each other. 

More Info:

Women’s Bible Study gathers at Citipointe seasonally on Wednesdays at 9-11am and 6:30-8:30pm at Citipointe. To sign up or for more info click here. 

Our Women’s Ministry Nights are a time to gather and encounter the tangible presence of God together. Come prepared to be overwhelmed by His glory. To find out when the next one is click here. You can also subscribe to our Women’s emails by clicking here.

 Yes! There are many areas to serve in the Women’s Ministry including but not limited to: hospitality, set-up/tear-down, food set-up/prep, event decor, coffee team, greeting. Click here to sign up to serve or click the Get Involved button. 

Steffani Besch
Women's Pastor
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